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A Simple Morning Ritual to Start Your Day

What a great way to wake up!

 …..It’s Monday Morning

It’s Monday morning, the alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m, you snooze it one too many times and now you’re in a rush. Does this sound oh to familiar? And if you have a family, the kids need be off to school, the dog fed, garbage taken out, wait… you’re out of coffee. Take a deep breath, you haven’t even started the rat race.

You ever stop to notice the way our day unfolds is usually indicative of how the morning started. So the question is: what can I do differently? Join a yoga or spin class, take up cross fit or running? Many of us don’t have time to incorporate that into our mornings. And while exercise is good because it releases the feel good chemical serotonin, it may not always fit into our morning routine.

We need some sort of ritual or practice to get the day going.  In this case, it’s the practice of meditation

Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

While many of us have a million things going on in the morning, it’s important to do this as soon as you awake. Otherwise, it will not be done. All it takes is as little as 2-3 minutes and as you get more comfortable, add more time as allowable. Below are few steps to get started.

Simple Morning Ritual and Meditation Steps

  1. Sitting, at the edge of the bed is fine
  2. close your eyes
  3. Take 3 deep breaths, ( focus on deeply inhaling and exhaling )
  4. Visualize  (This is where you see the day unfold before you the way you want it. )
  5. Feel (As the day unravels before you, add feeling and emotion to the visualizing process; you feel happy, joy, confidence, and acceptance.
  6. Gratitude (close this meditation process with gratitude, give thanks for the first thing that comes to mind and go about your day.)

Rinse and repeat

Follow the same steps day in day out, until it becomes a habit. You may incorporate music and experiment meditating more than once per day. You will soon fine that stress is reduced and you feel more at peace.

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